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How to reset password

Forgetting your password is common. We do it all the time! If you forgot your password, don't sweat! We'll tell you how you can reset it in this page.

Steps to reset your password

Step 1: forgot password

Press the Forget Password Button.

Forget Password

Step 2: enter email

This should send you to a page where you'll be asked to enter your email. Use the same email you signed up with, then press send.

Enter Email

Step 3: verification code

This should open up a page where you're asked to enter a verification code that has been sent to your email.

Verification Code - Application

Check your email and rewrite the same verification code into the application within a 10 minute period.

Verification Code - Email

Press the Submit button.


Step 4: new password

Now you'll be taken to a page where you can enter and confirm your new password as shown in the following picture.

New Password

Confirm your new password by pressing the Change Password button.

Step 5: sign in

Go to the Home Page and enter your email and your new password, and then Sign In.

Sign In