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Components You Need


  1. Tamra Board tamra-board

  2. Breadboard

    • A breadboard is a reusable platform for building temporary circuits without soldering. It has rows and columns of holes connected internally to hold components and make connections.
    • Vertical Columns: The vertical columns in the middle are connected in groups of five. Each group shares an electrical connection, meaning components placed within the same group are connected. Rows marked A-E and F-J on either side of the middle groove are for components.
    • Power Lines: The breadboard has horizontal rows for the power lines (marked with + and -), typically used for power supply. The long rows with red (+) and black (-) markings are for power supply connections. breadboard
  3. LEDs

    • Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are small devices that emit light when current passes through them. Each LED has two legs:

    • Anode (+): The longer leg, connected to the positive terminal.

    • Cathode (-): The shorter leg, connected to the ground. LED


      How It Works:

      The LED emits light when current flows from the positive terminal (anode) to the negative terminal (cathode).

  4. Resistors

    • Resistors limit the current in a circuit to prevent LEDs from burning out. Resistor values are measured in ohms (Ω), and color bands indicate their resistance value.
    • Resistors are color-coded to indicate their resistance value.
    • A common resistor value for LEDs is 220 ohms, ensuring the LED gets enough current without being damaged. Resistor
  5. Wires

    • Use jumper wires to connect components on the breadboard and link the circuit to the power supply or Tamra board.


  6. Power Source

    • Use a DC adapter or USB connection to power your circuit.
