This section gives a brief definition of acronyms, abbreviations and other terms used in this documentation.
IoT: Internet of Things, refers to the collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves.
Activation code: Each user has a unique activation code. In the Tamra board setup, the activation code connects your board with your profile in the Tamra application.
WiFi credentials: SSID and Password of your WiFi network.
- SSID: Service Set IDentifier, which is your network's name.
Node: Node is referred to the device that provides sensor data, or devices that are being controlled from the cloud. In our case, it's Tamra board.
Verification code: This is the code you use to veify your e-mail in the Reset Password section.
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation.
ADC: Analogue to Digital Converter.